Jane Kellum

Created 2 Campaigns

Fundraising Closed

2017 Pikes Peak Challenge Summit Hiker: Jane Kellum

I’m participating in the Pikes Peak Challenge Summit Hike with my daughter, Libby Cates. Eleven years ago, Libby sustained a severe traumatic brain injury in a motor vehicle accident that changed her life and her family’s life forever. A few weeks before the accident, she had graduated from college and was searching for a job and looking to start the next chapter in her life. After the accident, it was uncertain if she would be able to breath on her own, eat, walk or talk again. She emerged slowly from her coma a month later and has been a fighter ever since. It has been a long hard road, but she surpassed the goals and expectations of her therapists with her resilience, fortitude and positive attitude. Despite having to relearn so many skills and overcome so many challenges, Libby has soared with the support from so many family members, her community and friends.

Libby is among the approximately 1.5% of the U.S. population living with the effects of an injury to the brain. Please consider a donation and together we can make a huge impact for brain injury survivors like Libby and the entire brain injury community.

  • 375% Funded
  • $750.00 Pledged
  • 0 Hours to Go