2022 Pikes Peak Challenge Summit Hiker: Casey Terry

By Casey Terry (KC)

  • $255.00

    Pledged of $200.00 Goal

  • 4


  • 0

    Hours to Go

All pledges will be collected automatically until September 10, 2022.

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Hello friends and family! I have again joined Team Jesse for the 2022 Pikes Peak Challenge Fundraiser, benefiting the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado. Thanks for taking the time to check out this cause I’m supporting.

As many of you know, throughout my life I’ve participated in many risky sports and activities where I often had close calls with injury, and I still enjoy many of these activities today. I’ve been pushing my limits on a snowboard nearly every winter since I was a teenager; when I was younger I spent my summers skating and riding off ramps and concrete staircases; and I’ve been regularly commuting by bicycle for about 19 years. For most of those years I wouldn’t wear a helmet during these activities and have taken countless falls—any one of which could have resulted in a serious brain injury.

Far before any of this, as a child of roughly 3 years of age, I had my closest brush with a serious brain injury. I was running around my living room with a bath towel over my shoulders playing “Superman”, when I decided to take a “flying” leap onto the sofa, head first. What I didn’t know and couldn’t see was that there was a sharpened pencil pointing outward, wedged between the cushions. The pencil pierced the side of my temple and even cracked my skull a bit. I had to go to the emergency room to have it removed safely and to be sure there wasn’t any brain damage. Luckily there wasn’t, however chances are my life would have been much more difficult if things had gone just a little bit differently that day.

I was incredibly lucky, but I’ve known others who didn’t have that same luck on their side. I’ve seen and been told how difficult and frustrating life can be as a survivor of a traumatic brain injury. The Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado is helping people and their relatives deal with this difficult reality. Please consider helping me to help them by making a small donation—only as much as you feel you can afford. My goal is to reach $200 in donations by September 10th when I will endure the hike of 13 miles and over 7000 vertical rise to the summit of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs along with my family, “Team Jesse”!

Thanks again for taking the time and for considering making a donation.

In health and wellness,

KC Terry

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  1. Casey Terry
  2. Uncle Ole Bob Terry
  3. Leslie Alves
  4. Danny Hesser