Tips for Fundraising Success

Fundraising Tips

Personalize your fundraising page

We have created a step by step tutorial on how to personalize your fundraising page. Click here to read the tutorial

Share your campaign using the links on your fundraising page

Once you have a campaign created, you will notice there is a “Share this campaign” section on your personal page. These buttons make it very easy to share your fundraising campaign on social media sites. Below is a guide for what each of the buttons will do.

Image of how to "share this campaign" showing Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, Web Link and Embed options.

What link do I post to social media or send in an email to friends and family?

Go to your fundraising page by clicking the link in your email confirmation.
Once you are on your fundraising page, copy the entire web address and paste it where you would like to use it.

Screenshot of the the header of Pikes Peak Challenge website with highlight over the URL

Start Now: Find a buddy or two and keep each other motivated!

It is important when you begin your fundraising that you remember one simple principal, no one will give you a donation unless you ask for it!

Ask for what you want

If you ask for $50, you will almost always get $50!

Set goals

Before you begin fundraising, establish the final dollar amount you want to raise and work towards it.

Hiker at the summit of Pikes Peak with a "hang loose" hand signalReach Out

  • Email a donation request letter to everyone in your email address book. They can make an on line donation at Make sure you tell them what your goal is and how close you are to achieving it.
  • Ask if your employer has a matching gift program. Sign Up! The money your employer pays under their matching gift program counts towards your fundraising total and final fundraising rewards.
  • Form a team of fundraisers that don’t have a desire to hike but have a desire to help. Have them solicit donations for you and other participants from your company.
  • Announce the hike through office email, intranet and staff newsletters requesting support.
  • Ask to hold a “dress down day” or “jeans day” where employees pay $5 to participate.
  • Bring your donation form to meetings – ask everyone!
  • Ask if your company will match every dollar pledged by a customer, colleagues or suppliers of your company.

How to Raise $1,000 in One Week

  • Day 1: Ask 4 members of your family to sponsor you for $50
  • Day 2: Ask your boss/company to sponsor you for $100
  • Day 3: Ask 10 of your friends to sponsor you for $20
  • Day 4: Ask 5 coworkers/supervisors to sponsor you for $20
  • Day 5: Ask 5 neighbors to sponsor you for $20
  • Day 6: Ask 10 people from your gym, church, club to sponsor you for $10
  • Day 7: Ask 4 Owners/Managers that your company does business with to sponsor you for $50