Team Building Tips

5-person team in matching shirts at the top of Pikes PeakFacing the challenge with a team provides many benefits. Team members offer encouragement, provide support and share in the celebration of the Pikes Peak Challenge!

You are also able to share in your fundraising efforts! For example, if you have a team of 5, each is required to raise $200 in donations or $1,000 as a team.

Starting a team is simple

  • Simply start by asking two friends to hike with you… and they ask two friends to hike…and they ask two friends to hike…
  • You started by asking just two friends to hike and now there are 15 hikers on your team! If each hiker raises just $300 suddenly $4,500 becomes available to make a difference in the life of a survivor.

Two person team at the top of Pikes PeakTeam Members Can Be Found

  • In your family
  • At work
  • At the Gym
  • Civic Clubs
  • Church Groups
  • Neighbors

Team Building Tips

  • Name your team
  • Train together
  • Wear similar clothing to hike that will identify your team
  • Raise money together
  • Take practice hikes together