The Hikers Above the Clouds

5 Team Members — $1,000.00 total donations

Facing the Challenge with team members offer encouragement, provide support and share in the celebration of the Pikes Peak Challenge! Feel free to donate to the collective team by clicking on the blue button. Or if you prefer to donate to an individual, please click on their personal campaign below.

Fundraising Closed

2023 Pikes Peak Challenge Summit Hiker: Valerie Brockman

Since 2018, I’ve actively participated in the Pikes Peak Challenge. The Brian Injury Alliance of Colorado (BIAC) brings resources to traumatically brain-injured patients and their families here in Colorado. BIAC provides services immensely helps patients and their families when the unexpected happens. I have seen the positive influence they have had on patients I’ve cared for, and in turn, I’d like to pay it forward.
If you are interested in joining a team, making a donation and/or have questions; please don’t hesitate to reach out! We would be happy to have you join the team and support this organization and cause!

  • 57% Funded
  • $115.00 Pledged
  • 0 Hours to Go

Team Donations

  1. Anonymous Donation
  2. Keegan Barkley
  3. Dana Capozzella
  4. Linda Weaver