Bill Levis, parent of a survivor
Our son had a severe brain injury in 2005 and BIAC has been a lifesaver. It gives us support, guidance and information. Most of all, it provides fellowship. I don’t know where we would be without it.
Thomas Martin, survivor and volunteer
Speaking as a brain injury survivor and PPC volunteer, my motto is to “always stay faithful to yourself and never give up.” This will be my 20th year as a volunteer and every year I’m honored to give the participants their medal as they summit Pikes Peak. I have walked their path, recovery is hard but keeping going, put one foot in front of the other and you will succeed.
Maria Martinez, survivor
BIAC has provided me with support when I was in need and for that I am grateful. The journey that I have experienced with BIAC has been an extension of my rehabilitation. I have continued to grow and have come to terms with who I am as a person with a BI and for that I am grateful. I have always been competitive so when I see the words “Are you Up for the Challenge?” I say “YEA I AM!”

All funds raised at the Pikes Peak Challenge support the Brain Injury Association of Colorado (BIAC).
The Brain Injury Association of Colorado is the go-to resource for help and services for survivors of an injury to the brain, their families, and providers. Through guidance, resources, support and education, we seek to facilitate lifelong growth of Coloradans affected by an injury to the brain.
The Brain Injury Association of Colorado is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

All funds raised at the Pikes Peak Challenge make these programs, plus many more, possible:
Recreation Programs
One-day and week-long social, recreational and creative opportunities for adults and youth with brain injury.
Client Programs
Programs include individualized resource navigation, skill building support, classes and workshops, peer mentorship, and education consultation about school-related issues for youth.
Conferences & Workshops
Annual educational events and networking opportunities for individuals with brain injuries, family members, and professionals
Support Groups
State-wide meetings to provide education, recreation, and emotional support to individuals with brain injury, family members, and friends.