2020 Pikes Peak Challenge Virtual Challenger: William Wright

By William Wright

  • $0.00

    Pledged of $200.00 Goal

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    Hours to Go

All pledges will be collected automatically until September 12, 2020.

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In June of 2000, Heather was driving home from her job as an ICU nurse. She lived across a set of train tracks that didn’t have any railway crossing guards or signals. She’ll never know the exact details, but her vehicle was hit by a train. She endured a severe traumatic brain injury, broke her C-3 vertebrae, and ruptured her spleen, but by some grace, she survived. She had to relearn how to walk, talk, and eat, which was a humbling challenge.

“I have come so far and accomplished so much. The support from my friends and family has been invaluable!” – Heather, longtime PPC participant

Brain injury survivors must fight through unimaginable mental and physical challenges of their invisible disability. There isn’t a cure for brain injuries; they don’t grow back like hair or fade like scars. Dealing with the effects is a lifelong, day-in-day-out process. While no two brain injuries are the same, they do have a few things in common. They don’t fade or mend, they are always present, requiring brain injury survivors to navigate in a brand-new world as they fight to establish a new normal.

I’m excited to share my commitment to participate in the 2020 Pikes Peak Challenge Virtual Challenge. Although I’m not able to be in attendance on the day of the event, I would like to lend a hand of support and take on a hike of my own.

Funding is critical for BIAC to continue supporting survivors in our state, which is why I am reaching out to family and friends to share my exciting commitment to participate in the 2020 Pikes Peak Challenge Virtual Challenge. Although I’m not able to be in attendance on the day of the event, I would like to lend a hand of support and take on a hike or walk of my own.

Last year $185,000 was raised to support the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado! This year we hope to surpass that number. Can you help us reach our goal?

Please donate now on my fundraising page and together we can make a huge impact for brain injury survivors and the entire brain injury community.