2024 Pikes Peak Challenge Summit Hiker: Kory Turner

By Kory Turner

  • $2,600.00

    Pledged of $2,500.00 Goal

  • 24


  • 0

    Hours to Go

All pledges will be collected automatically until September 7, 2024.

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Dear Family and Friends,

It is once again time for my annual Pikes Peak Challenge email. In keeping with tradition, I am not sending this out nearly as early as I wanted and I am sorry about that. Time just seems to fly by! I hope that 2024 has brought health and happiness to each of you and that you have high hopes for the remainder of the year.

I am so thankful to be able to continue to participate in the Pikes Peak Challenge. This is my fourteenth year! The 2024 Pikes Peak Challenge Hike for Brain Injury Awareness is Saturday, September 7 and I will once again be hiking 13 miles and climbing 7400 vertical feet up Barr Trail to the Summit of Pikes Peak. Last year’s weather was perfect and I hope for the same again this year.

After 13 years, I don’t really feel like I have anything new to say. I never thought, back in 2011, that I would still be participating in this event fourteen years later and how much it would mean to me. I never could have imagined just how many people I would come in contact with who have been impacted by a traumatic or acquired brain injury. And I never would have believed the amazing and continuous outpouring of support I receive from each of you. It is truly humbling that, after all this time, you continue to support me on each hike.

The Pikes Peak Challenge means a great deal to me for its efforts to raise Brain Injury Awareness. I hike to support what I feel is a truly worthy cause. I also hike for each of you and the myriad of challenges and struggles that you face each day. I hike in the hope that it will inspire you to keep trying, to keep hope in your lives, and to remember that there are people out there who care about you! You are not alone! Each of us is part of something that is genuinely noble and just as I have been supported and motivated by your love, I hope that I can inspire and motivate you. All of you have incredible stories and together we have created an amazing legacy that I will always treasure. Every one of you has been truly inspiring to me and I cannot thank you enough or express how much this has meant!

I hope that you will consider making a donation to this important cause again this year. 2023 was our best year ever with an incredible $3025.00 raised and we were again one of the top fundraisers! This year my goal is to raise $2500.00. Every dollar we raise makes a difference and is a great opportunity to help increase awareness! Whatever you feel you are able to contribute goes towards this end and I deeply appreciate any help you can give. Thank you for everything you do to support the Brian Injury Alliance of Colorado and to support me!

I Love You All!

Kory Mark Turner
In God We Trust

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  1. Diane Pogar
  2. GayLynn Turner
  4. Norma Winder
  5. Shane & Stephani Turner
  6. Kellie Sakurada
  7. Mark Turner
  8. Allison Hanna
  9. Colby Christensen
  10. Jordan christensen
  11. Arthur Cho
  12. Ken Hamilton
  13. Erick Turner
  14. Kate Rockwell
  15. Jonathon Farr
  16. Jessica Turner
  17. Marylyn Massey
  18. Stefanie Colebank
  19. Anonymous
  20. Amber Walker
  21. Anonymous
  22. Kae Loy Hanna
  23. Rose Beyer
  24. Steven Pressey